The Best Private Trips to Book in the Americas
From the mystical cloud forests of Costa Rica to the glamorous beaches of Brazil, these immersive Culture Trips in South and Central America can all be booked as private tours for you and your favourite travel buddies.
There’s plenty of pros for going private. Obviously it means you can keep the guest-list locked down, but it also allows for far greater flexibility on travel dates, group sizes (minimum of 4) and even age requirements. Simply get in touch with our Travel Experts to organise your personalised Culture Trip adventure.
The Complete Mexico Experience
If this sprawling, diverse nation is the dream destination for your travel group, this might be the ultimate taste of Mexico you can have in just over a week. You’ll start with sightseeing and fine dining in Mexico City, before travelling back in time to Mesoamerica at Teotihuacan. Next up is the pretty city of Puebla, famous for its ceramics, followed by an off-the-beaten-path adventure to cacti fields of Zapotitlan Salinas. In Oaxaca you’ll learn how to make tortilla, partake in an expert cooking class and a punchy mezcal tasting session. Having traversed the heartlands of the Mexican Plateau, we’ll eventually reach Puerto Escondido and a gorgeous beach resort with multiple pools and exclusive access to one of the region’s finest stretches of sand.
From US$2399
Next available from 27th Apr 2024
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Trip highlights and details
Mexico City, Mexico
Puerto Escondido, Mexico
The Real Costa Rica
This Central American paradise is one of the most unique and biodiverse countries on the planet. Our eight-day tour takes in the volcanic landscapes of Arenal National Park, the mystical cloud forests of Monteverde and the laid-back surf vibes of the Pacific coastline. In Arenal you’ll soak in natural hot springs and spot sloths on a forest hike, while the highlands offer a rural lodge retreat, Costa Rican cooking class and a nighttime jungle hike in search of howler monkeys and pumas. We’ll wrap things up by chilling out in the seaside town of Tamarindo, where you can either keep the outdoor adventures going by surfing and mountain biking, or simply chill out on the town’s golden beaches.
From US$2199
Next available from 6th Apr 2024
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San Jose, Costa Rica
Tamarindo, Provincia De Guanacaste
Adventurous Ecuador
Ecuador might be small but it packs one hell of a punch with its diverse array of landscapes waiting to be tackled by adventurous explorers. This eight-day itinerary is an outdoorsy person’s dream, as we go horseback riding in Cotopaxi National Park, cycling along the Baños Waterfall Route and whitewater rafting down one of the Amazon’s main tributaries. Real adrenaline junkies will have a go at the Swing at the End of the World, while fine chocolate tasting, an Ecuadorian cooking class and a series of gorgeous country lodges will keep you refuelled and refreshed throughout the trip.
From US$2199
Next available from 6th Apr 2024
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Quito, Ecuador
Quito, Ecuador
Authentic Central Mexico
If culture, history and architecture is what you want from your cities, then Mexico is ready to offer you more than value for money. The central heartlands are dotted with gorgeous cities, characterised by their colourful collections of cobbled streets and colonial buildings. You’ll start in the capital, where you’ll visit Frida Kahlo’s home and take a boat tour down Xochimilco. You’ll visit the remarkable archeological sites of Teotihuacán and Tula en route to pretty Queretaro. Learn about the city’s crucial role in the independence movement before moving on to the Baroque town of San Miguel de Allende, where a cooking class and a thriving local art scene awaits. Get a taste for revolution in Dolores Hidalgo, a taste for fine wines at Cuna de Tierra vineyard and wrap up the trip with a visit to the beautiful city of Guanajuato.
From US$2299
Next available from 10th Feb 2024
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Trip highlights and details
Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico
Connect with like-minded people on our premium trips curated by local insiders and with care for the world
Since you are here, we would like to share our vision for the future of travel - and the direction Culture Trip is moving in.
Culture Trip launched in 2011 with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful — and this is still in our DNA today. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes certain places and communities so special.
Increasingly we believe the world needs more meaningful, real-life connections between curious travellers keen to explore the world in a more responsible way. That is why we have intensively curated a collection of premium small-group trips as an invitation to meet and connect with new, like-minded people for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in three categories: Culture Trips, Rail Trips and Private Trips. Our Trips are suitable for both solo travelers, couples and friends who want to explore the world together.
Culture Trips are deeply immersive 5 to 16 days itineraries, that combine authentic local experiences, exciting activities and 4-5* accommodation to look forward to at the end of each day. Our Rail Trips are our most planet-friendly itineraries that invite you to take the scenic route, relax whilst getting under the skin of a destination. Our Private Trips are fully tailored itineraries, curated by our Travel Experts specifically for you, your friends or your family.
We know that many of you worry about the environmental impact of travel and are looking for ways of expanding horizons in ways that do minimal harm - and may even bring benefits. We are committed to go as far as possible in curating our trips with care for the planet. That is why all of our trips are flightless in destination, fully carbon offset - and we have ambitious plans to be net zero in the very near future.