Aaand action! Explore the UK's Top Film Spots with Google Street View

Head to the Royal Crescent in Bath and you might catch some gossip from Lady Whistledown
Head to the Royal Crescent in Bath and you might catch some gossip from Lady Whistledown | © Richard Wayman / Alamy Stock Photo

Culture Trip x Google Street View explores the best-loved filming destinations in the UK – from Harry Potter’s London to Bridgerton’s Bath.

Do you get sad when the film or TV show you’ve been bingeing night and day comes to an end? Well, us too. That’s why we’ve partnered with Google Street View on its 15th birthday to bring these shows into our real lives by uncovering the best-loved filming locations across the country and putting them all in one easy-to-explore place.

Live in the fictional world for just that bit longer and walk the path of your favourite characters – whether you’re planning an in-person visit or just fancy having a nosey on Street View. Dressing the part is optional.

And if you are keen to visit in the real world, Culture Trip has a selection of small-group adventures to famous film spots in the UK and beyond.

No.1 Royal Crescent is the first building at the eastern end of the Royal Crescent in Bath. Doubling as the home of the Featheringtons in Bridgerton, in real life it is a museum dedicated to the period. American actor Timothée Chalamet has also been spotted in the city recently, and it turns out he’s been working on a prequel to the classic Willy Wonka (1971) starring Gene Wilder. You might not be able to visit the chocolate factory, but there’s plenty to do in Bath without gorging on sweets.

A museum by day, No.1 Royal Crescent moonlights as the home of the Featheringtons in ‘Bridgerton’

Expecto patronum: explore Harry Potter and Notting Hill in London

The stunning marble interior of Australia House in the Strand, London, played Gringotts, the wizarding bank run by goblins in the Harry Potter franchise. Elsewhere, 280 Westbourne Park Road was made famous in the Nineties after appearing in Notting Hill (1999). Use Street View’s Time Machine feature, and you’ll see the front door of Hugh Grant’s affable William Thacker has barely deviated from its vivid blue.

If you visited 280 Westbourne Road in the late Nineties, you might have bumped into Hugh Grant filming ‘Notting Hill’

See more of the most popular film locations in London

Elementary, my dear Watson: check out Manchester for the locations of Sherlock Holmes, Fresh Meat, and the infamous Peaky Blinders

While the Cillian Murphy series is set in the Small Heath area of Birmingham, the atmospheric waterways of Manchester were the main filming location for the show. Castlefield doubles as the place the Peaky Blinders were thought to have first emerged, terrorising the streets in the late 1800s.

Areas around Manchester Town Hall were used for filming ‘Sherlock Holmes’

Winter is coming: travel to Belfast to immerse yourself in Game of Thrones, Derry Girls, and The Fall

Game of Thrones fans may opt for a 45-minute drive outside of the city to visit Bregagh Road, also known as the Kingsroad. The HBO series has become synonymous with Belfast, with many interior scenes filmed at the Titanic Studios. Explore this area to find permanent outdoor exhibits dedicated to the show, although we’re not sure you’ll spot any dragons on Street View.

The atmospheric Bregagh Road was the perfect film set for the Kingsroad in ‘Game of Thrones’

Meet your love: explore Edinburgh for the filming locations of Avengers: Infinity War, Chariots of Fire, and One Day

The Old Town of Edinburgh appears in Avengers: Infinity War (2018) as the hideout of Scarlet Witch and Vision. Romantic drama One Day (2011) is set in the capital of Scotland. Dexter Mayhew (Jim Sturgess) and Emma Morley (Anne Hathaway) meet at university and promise to meet at Arthur’s Seat every year that follows. Spoiler alert: Dexter visits Arthur’s Seat with his daughter at the end of the film.

Come to Edinburgh to enjoy the magnificent views from Arthur’s Seat, as seen in ‘One Day’

Street View is now in more than 100 countries and territories around the world. Over the last 15 years, our Street View cars have travelled more than 10 million miles – a distance that circles the entire globe more than 400 times – and we’ve collected more than 220 billion images.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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