The Best Party Hostels in Central America

Aqua Lounge Hostel and Bar Isla Carenero, Bocas del Toro
Aqua Lounge Hostel and Bar Isla Carenero, Bocas del Toro | © Sergi Reboredo / Alamy Stock Photo
Jack Guy

Traveling through Central America means you’ll encounter outrageous natural wonders, intriguing cities and great people. Inevitably you’ll want to let off some steam every once in a while, so here are the best party hostels to do so.

Zephyr Lodge, Lanquin, Guatemala

Hostel, Lodge

Zephyr Lodge, Lanquin
Courtesy of Zephyr Lodge, Lanquin /
Lanquin in Guatemala is a sleepy little place that suddenly became a favourite with backpackers due to its proximity to the amazing pools of Semuc Champey. After rapid expansion, this party hostel now boasts a huge pool with swim-up bar, a pool table and plenty of games. The only potential downside is having too much fun and winding up with a far larger tab than you expected. Pay by the day if you’re on a budget!

Pachamama, San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua


Pachamama, San Juan del Sur
Courtesy of Pachamama Hostel, San Juan del Sur /
The infamous surf town of San Juan del Sur is a major stop on the Central American backpacker trail, and with good reason. One of the best party hostels in town is Pachamama hostel, home of the Sunday Funday parties and ubiquitous t-shirts that you will most likely see travelers wearing throughout the region.

Underwater Vision, Utila, Honduras


It might seem strange that the diving capital of Central America is also a massive party spot, but Utila is full of surprises. You might think that diving on a hangover is a terrible idea, but plenty of visitors to this Honduran tropical island do just that. Stay at Underwater Vision and take part in the different drinking challenges that are on every night.

The Lazy Loft, Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, Costa Rica


The Lazy Loft, Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, Costa Rica
Courtesy of The Lazy Loft /
Check in to The Lazy Loft and dance the night away at the attached nightclub, Lazy Mon. It’s the best night out in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica, and you can pop in from your dormitory whenever you want. You won’t be getting a lot of sleep here, but then that’s not why anyone books a stay in one of Central America’s best party hostels.

Fancy backpacking further southwards? Check out the best flashpacker hostels in South America, bookable with Culture Trip.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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