The 10 Best Restaurants In Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
Puerto Plata is the eighth largest city in the Dominican Republic. It is an important trading port, and a popular holiday destination for many. If you are planning an excursion to the area, you might want to check out some of the delicious fare on offer. Here’s a list of the top 10 dining establishments in the city.
![Open chicken fajita](
Los Charros y Los Pinches Chaparros
Restaurant, Mexican, Caribbean
Kilometro Zero
Bar, Restaurant, Spanish, Vegetarian
![BBQ ribs](
Sam’s Bar and Grill
Bar, Restaurant, Beer, Seafood
![Arroz con leche - Dominican-style rice pudding](
El Pilon
If you’re looking for true Dominican cuisine, you must to go to El Pilon. Try their sancocho, a traditional dish full of flavor. Alternatively sample the rice and beans with Dominican style steak, which is absolutely exquisite. For dessert, try the rice pudding cooked Dominican style.
![How to make a piña colada](
Mares Restaurant & Lounge
Restaurant, Caribbean, Fusion, Vegetarian
The piña colada cocktails at this restaurant are to die for and the crispy salmon sushi with honey and eel sauce is absolutely fantastic. In addition to these delicacies, try the braised lamb ossobucco – a popular option among diners.
Los Tres Cocos
Los Tres Cocos
Walk through the garden into this tropical paradise and and you will be greeted warmly and seated immediately. Pick out the lamb special or the filet with blue cheese and choose an excellent Malbec wine to accompany you meal. Don’t forget to order one of the absolutely delectable desserts.
Las Rocas Cofresi, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic +1 809-970-7627
The Anchor Cafe
Cafe, Coffee
Café Del Atlantico
Cafe, Restaurant, Coffee, American
Las Palmas Italian Restaurant
Restaurant, Italian, Vegetarian
This is a unique restaurant – the owner is a musician. The establishment boasts excellent fajitas, lamb chops and soups of the day. With a great ambiance due to the excellent collection of music being played, this restaurant should be high on your list to visit if you are in the area.
Esq Calle Sanchez, Calle 16 de Agosto 11, Puerto Plata 57000, Dominican Republic
![landscape with balloons floating in the air](
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